The Bridge and The Island

Yesterday (Sunday), we reached the northernmost point of the Lower Peninsula. We enjoyed a picnic lunch along the waterfront in Mackinaw City, then watched a movie about the making of the bridge and visited Ft. Michilimacinac. When we got tired of walking we hopped in the car and drove (very slowly because of backed-up traffic) across Mighty Mac, the bridge.
Our hotel in St. Ignace is right on the waterfront and we have a nice balcony where we watch the seagulls and Canada geese. Today we took the ferry to Mackinaw Island. Dan has never been there and I was last there about 50 years ago. We took the horse-drawn carriage tour and it was worth it as we got to see the highlights of the island and learn a lot in the process.
We lunched, walked some more, shopped a bit and, of course, bought some famous FUDGE! As we were waiting for the ferry back, the hood on the lens of Dan’s camera popped off and into the water – not deep but not reachable. The Star Line ferry crew was super helpful and use a gaffer hook to retrieve it for him.
So…last night’s dinner was planked whitefish. Tonight I’m going for pasties. Tomorrow we hit the road again.