Travel Photos This is a collection of photographs captured by Dan Fritz during his travels with wife Celeste. « back to albumAmazon 2019 Striated HeronMonk Saki Monkey jumping from limb to limbMonk Saki MonkeySlate Colored HawkSquirrel MonkeyRockstar! Sloth Amazon photos in Travel PhotosKids in a canoe. Canoes were like our bikes when we were kids.Girl in one of the villages on the river. How many people are in this picture?Horned Screamer. Turkey sized bird. Very loud.Masked Crimson TanagerWooly MonkeyNight MonkeysNauta, Peru. MotorKars were the basic transportationUpper Amazon, Amazon Natural Park. Picture by Jose Guerrero.Hand made souvenirs for sale.Cocoi HeronRoadside HawkPink DolphinHoatzin. Turkey sized bird.Three toed SlothTree frogPink toed Tarantula. Picture by Jose Guerrero.Squirrel monkeysSmooth Billed AniSunset on the riverParakeets coming in to roost. Thousands of them.Amazon family going to the village.DonacobiusGreat AntshrikeSaddleback MonkeyWorried Saddleback MonkeyCream Colored WoodpeckerTucanGreen IguanaVictoria Lily. Largest waterlily in the world.Ringed KingfisherMacawsThree Toed SlothCaiman. Is that momma in the background?